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How to Get an Agent

  1. Referrals- nothing is more effective than a referral from a trusted source, such as a manager, casting director, close friend, etc. who knows your caliber of work and character.

  2. GSS Agent Nights- our studio sponsors FREE monthly agent nights that put you in front of numerous talent agents who are actively seeking new clients. This exposure is very unique and has helped a number of our students grow their careers!

  3. Talent Link- this actors access perk allows actors to send out their materials to a list of agents and managers looking for new talent, for a fee.

  4. Repunzel- a newer alternative to Talent Link, also costs money.

  5. Casting Director Workshops- These paid classes can help build industry relationships and lead to an agent referral, but their pay-to-play method does not guarantee results.

  6. Cold Submissions- some agents and managers are open to cold email client submissions. Make sure to include your headshot(s), reel, resume, and any other materials in a concise email.

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