Demo Reel Class at Graham Shiels Studios
Camera Test Workshop (Demo Reel Class)
A camera test is a chance to see you fully embody the role on screen. It’s like stepping into the character’s shoes on set, complete with wardrobe, makeup, hair, and props. This isn’t just about reading lines, obviously, and it's going a few steps further than simply a self-tape —it’s about capturing the essence of the character and showcasing your ability to deliver the role to its fullest potential. For inspiration, check out Robert Downey Jr.’s camera test for Iron Man below or HERE. It’s the ultimate example of what we’re hoping to create with yours! You can see it'll be shot "dirty" over the shoulder of a scene partner who will never be seen--THAT is a Camera Test. The perfect example of your acting to put forth to agents, managers, and even casting directors.
This Camera Test would become or even be added to your Demo Reel. Do you have one yet? Does it represent the full potential of your talent? First impressions are everything. It's imperative your Demo Reel can be viewed by a Casting Director, Agent, or Manager in under 60 seconds and they say
"I want to work with this actor."

What is the Camera-Test Workshop?
Let us help you create a brand new demo reel or update and add variety to an existing reel in our Camera Test Workshop for your Demo Reel--it's far more important than your headshot! Your reel will allow industry professionals to quickly see your "essence" on camera.
In this 3 week class, you'll have the opportunity to work ON-SET and acquire usable footage to help develop and showcase your talent.
This class is also perfect for those actors who have already been compiling material for a Film/TV demo reel but are missing certain types of roles.
Similar services in Los Angeles will run you $700 to $1,800 and up--and that's without the coaching and direction!
Scenes for your Camera Test: you’ll film two 30-second scenes of your choice, professional self tapes in the style of a camera-test, allowing you to add standout moments to your reel.
Costumes, Props, and Styling: actors are responsible for costumes, props, hair and makeup to achieve a complete, professional look.
GSS Instructor: Alex Ross BTS
Class Schedule & Breakdown
3 consecutive Fridays: 1st two are 9:00am to 12:00pm,
the third Friday is our 11hr shoot day from 8:30am to 7:30pm
DAY 1​
Friday, March 14th , 9:00am to 12:00pm
* Bring six or more scene options (30-45 seconds each) from already produced TV or Film projects for review. Graham will guide you in selecting and editing two scenes to add to your demo reel and actor profiles, providing an overview of on-set terminology and etiquette.
Friday, March 21st, 9:00am to 12:00pm
* Work one-on-one with Graham Shiels to rehearse and block your edited scenes.
Friday, March 28th, 8:00am to 8:00pm
* The third class​ is the on-set production day at the studio in Burbank​! Full-day shoot with Graham directing. All actors are required to stay for the entire 11-hour day as they will be each other's scene partners and extras.
INVESTMENT: $695/3 Classes