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Mastermind Sessions

Move From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be.

It is not enough to only have a solid craft. The Business of Acting is the most neglected component of an actor's career. A high percentage of actors fail to realize they are entrepreneurs and therefore put their career in the hands of others while waiting for someone to give them an opportunity instead of creating their own. The problem with that is no one will care about your career more than you. And no matter where an actor is in their career, they will always be procuring their own opportunities. Without focus, strategy, discipline, and consistent bold action, an actor will squander time, energy and money, overtime feeling defeated, lost and unsuccessful. 


Graham Shiels Studios understands that the craft of acting goes hand-in-hand with the Business of Acting and offers a monthly in-person two hour Mastermind Group led by Crystal Lowe.

Mastermind Acting Classes in Los Angeles at Graham Shiels Studios

What is a Mastermind Group?

In a mastermind group, the agenda belongs to the group and each person’s attendance, participation and commitment are paramount. The group begins with sharing the past month’s career goals, sets new goals, shares any issues, therein which your mastermind partners give you feedback, if needed, and help you brainstorm new possibilities. Alex helps you set up accountability structures that keep you focused on track and out of self limiting beliefs or displacement of blame. We create a community of supportive colleagues who brainstorm together to gain momentum efficaciously. Your mastermind group is like having an objective board of directors, a success team, and a peer advisory group, all rolled into one. More importantly, you become a member of a group of working actors.

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What’s It Like To Work With A Mastermind?

Working with a Mastermind, can most times, feel confronting. When you are faced with all that you are not doing that you should be doing, it makes you want to hide from shame and self-judgement. Most actors convince themselves that they don’t need to learn the business side and therefore don’t make the commitment. The Mastermind is not here to judge you but to give tough love nudges when you make excuses or procrastinate. Most importantly, the Mastermind exists to guide and encourage you.


MasterMind Details (in-person):

When: 2nd Wednesday of every month

Time: 9:30am-11:30am

Investment: $120 for 6 sessions

One-time trial session: $35

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